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Rossum Rumblers | Polytechnic Robotics Club

Meet our Leadership Team

Mykol Reklaitis


As President, I assist with executive decisions, communication with campus officials, and building the club’s scope and reach for the benefit of club members and the Poly campus student body.

Brandon Rice

Vice President

As Vice President, I assist the President with executive actions, communicate with other officers and members to facilitate projects and events, and assume Presidential duties in the case of the absence of the President.

Mason Smith


As treasurer, I help keep track of financial oversight, funding, fundraising, and budgeting. I also help financial planning and budgeting for special events and guest speakers.

Izzy Thalman

Outreach Coordinator

As Outreach Coordinator, I help plan events from K-12 to the ASU community spreading through innovation and creativity. I also work with other clubs to partner up with and assist with large-scale events.

Ryan Bodhipaksha


As quartermaster, I help manage the lab space, handle checking out components, equipment, and maintain the tools that belong to the club.

Charlotte Deming


As Scribe, I document, take photos, and record videos of our events and activities. I also assist with workshops and activities, help out in the lab, and facilitate ideation.

Jerry Gintz

Faculty Advisor